Re/Gent is  strongly involved in R&D of cooling, freezing and heat pump systems

A large part of these activities are based on vapor compression technology, but also studies based on other refrigeration technologyies are possible. Energy efficiency improvement & refrigerant studies are performed on a daily basis on domestic refrigerators, commercial coolers or freezers, medical appliances and heat pumps. Examples of some development projects are provided below.

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Improvement of an existing adiabatic dewpointcooler by characterising the thermal and electrical performance. The design was optimised by adjustment of the heat exchanger size and the geometry of the primary and secondary air channels.

Development of an air source heat pump to be applied for central heating of houses. In order to obtain maximum performance of the heat pump, a theoretical model was created to simulate the heat pump performance under real operating conditions.

Technical development of a very small table top freezer for storage of ice cream. The objective was to minimize the space for the cooling system in order to obtain a freezer as small as possible.

Technical improvement of the cooling system of a Heineken beer dispenser in order to avoid extensive ice formation.