List of publications:


  • Purdue Conference (USA), 2014, Marcel v Beek, Hans de Jong, Reducing display bottle cooler energy consumption using PCM as active thermal storage Download of pdf

  • Delft (the Netherlands), 2012, Marcel van Beek, Martien Janssen, David Berchowitz, Hermetic engine driven compressor using R-744 as refrigerant and natural gas as fuel. Download of pdf

    • Sydney (Australia), 2010, Martien Janssen, Peter Uges, Parameters affecting the performance of a dewpoint cooler consisting of a counter flow heat exchanger using water as a refrigerant. Download of pdf

    • ISEC International Stirling Engine Committee, 2009, David Berchowitz, Martien janssen, Marcel van beek  and Andreas Hagedorn; CO2 Based Free-Piston Stirling Heat Pump with Ground Source Heat Reservoir. Download of pdf

    • Copenhagen (Denmark), 2008, Marcel van Beek, Martien Janssen, R-744 compared to R-290 in small freezer applications. Download of pdf

    • Purdue Conference (USA), 2002, Martien Janssen, Patrick Beks,Measurement and application of performance characteristics of a Free Piston Stirling Cooler Download of pdf

    • Purdue Conference (USA), 2000, Martien Janssen, Patrick Beks,Hermetic Compressor Performance Evaluation Applying a Zeotropic Hydrocarbon instead of CFC-12 Download of pdf

    • Purdue Conference (USA), 2000, Martien Janssen, Johan Wijnstekers, Patrick Beks, Lambert Kuijpers, In-situ evaporator heat transfer experiments for domestic refrigerators

    • EU, SAVE Program, ADEME, Cold II, The revision of energy labelling and minimum energy efficiency standards for domestic refrigeration, p. 254 (Participation of Re/genT)

    • Conference: Present Status of Hydrocarbon Technology for Domestic Refrigeration, 3-5 April 2000, Guangzhou, China, M. Janssen, Future trends in the European Refrigerator industry

    • UNEP-DTIE, 1997, R.S. Agarwal, M.J.P. Janssen, Study on the potential for Hydrocarbon Replacements in Existing Domestic and Small Commercial Refrigeration Appliances (Desk Survey Part). Publication available at

    • 1995 International CFC and Halon Alternatives Conference Washington, D.C., October 23-25, 1995, M.J.P. Janssen , F.L.M. Engels and L.J.M. Kuijpers, The Application of HFC-134a with Mineral Oil in Domestic Refrigeration Equipment

    • KK, die Kälte und Klimatechnick, Oct 1995, pp. 762-773, M.J.P. Janssen, F.L.M. Engels und L.J.M. Kuijpers Die Möglichkeiten von FKW-134a mit Mineralöl in hermetischen Kühlgeräte

    • NOVEM, Re/genT Report 95403/NO07, M. Janssen, F. Engels, The Use of HFC-134a with Mineral Oil in Hermetic Cooling Equipment, End Report , p.74

    • 19th International Congress of Refrigeration, The Hague, Netherlands 1195, M. Janssen, F. Engels, L. Kuijpers, The Use of HFC-134a with Mineral Oil in Hermetic Cooling Equipment, End Report , proc. IVb, pp. 860-867

    • Purdue Conference (USA), IIR Commissions B1, B2 and E1/2, 1990, M. Janssen, J. de Wit and L. Kuijpers, Cycling losses in domestic appliances, an experimental and theoretical analysis.

    • Eindhoven University of Technology, Report WOP-WET 89.002, M.J.P. Janssen, Cycling losses in cooling circuit), (1989).

    • Purdue Conference (USA), IIR Commissions B1, B2 and E1/2, 1988, M. Janssen, L. Kuijpers and J. de Wit, Theoretical and experimental investigation of a dynamic model for small refrigerating systems.

    • Conference IIR Commissions B1, B2 and E1,2 Purdue USA, 1988 and International Journal of Refrigeration, Vol 11, July 1988, L. Kuijpers, J. de Wit and M. Janssen, Possibilities for the replacement of CFC-12 in domestic equipment

    • ASHRAE, Ottawa (Canada), 1988, Paper no 3193, L. Kuijpers, M. Janssen and P. Verboven, The influence of the refrigerant charge on the functioning of small refrigerating appliances.

    • IIR-XVIIth International Congress of Refrigeration, Vienna 1987, L. Kuijpers, M. Janssen and J. de Wit, Experimental verification of liquid hold up in small refrigeration heat exchangers.

    • IIR-XVIIth Internation Congress of Refrigeration, Vienna 1987, L. Kuijpers, M. Janssen and J. de Wit, Refrigerant charge in small appliances: influence of the capillary/suction line heat exchanger.

    • Purdue Conference (USA), IIR Commissions B1, B2 and E1/2, 1986, L. Kuijpers and M. Janssen, Continuous control of refrigerating appliances; limits due to capillary tube behaviour.

    • Conference DKV-Aachen, 1985 and Journal KI Klima-Heizung, Heft 3, 1986, L.J.M. Kuijpers, M.J.P. Janssen, J. de Wit, Perspektiven für Kapazitätsregelung bei Kühl- und Gefriergeräten

    • XVIth International Congress of Refrigeration, Paris 1983, L.J.M. Kuijpers and M.J.P. Janssen, Influence of thermal non-equilibrium on capillary tube mass flow

    • XVIth International Congress of Refrigeration, Paris 1983, L.J.M. Kuijpers, M.J.P. Janssen and J. de Wit, Capacity controlled heat pumps: influence of blower energy consumption

  • Conference DKV-Essen, 1982, L.J.M. Kuijpers, G.A.A. Asselman and M.J.P. Janssen, Hubregelung für Verdichter: Eine Möglichkeit zur Erhöhung der Leistungsfähigkeit des Kreislaufprozesses